Lake County Chamber of Commerce logo


Lake County is open for business!  Entrepreneurs and small business owners are welcome and encouraged to set up shop in any one of our communities to capitalize on the year-round customer and employee base that enjoys the natural beauty and amenities that Lake County has to offer.

Lake County Chamber of Commerce exists to provide marketing, events, networking, and support to our member businesses. Contact the Chamber office, or any board member, for business or membership information.

Additionally, the following local entities are available to assist with business start-up and growth in Lake County:

Baldwin Downtown Development Authority

Provides marketing, events, and development support to businesses in the downtown district.  The volunteer board meets the third Thursday of each month at 3pm at Baldwin Village Hall located at 620 Washington Street, Baldwin.

CALL 211

CALL 211 is a free community helpline and searchable website for individuals seeking referrals and assistance with personal needs such as housing, transportation, medical, childcare, etc.

Lake County Governmental Services

Lake County Governmental Services houses the county’s building department, clerk and treasurer’s offices for information on properties, taxes, permitting and planning.  Lake County Sheriff’s Department, the county’s only policing entity, and County courts are also located here.  Search the county website or visit the County Administration Building and Courthouse located at 800 Tenth Street, Baldwin for more information.

Lake County Economic Development Alliance

Lake County Economic Development Alliance is a volunteer-led non-profit that exists to provide business development and community development services to strengthen the county’s economy and build a thriving community for all.  For assistance with business start up or expansion, housing development, or community infrastructure, utilities, or other challenges, contact LCEDA Executive Director, Jodi Nichols at

MI Works West Central

MI Works West Central is the regional hub for all things employment.  Visit their website or Baldwin office located at 5232 S. M37, Baldwin for free assistance with finding, hiring and training staff. Support is also available for job seekers.

Michigan Small Business Development Center

Michigan Small Business Development Center is a wealth of free resources for businesses and entrepreneurs, including one-on-one coaching, marketing data, and business templates.

Yates Dial A Ride

Yates Dial A Ride is a unique rural demand-response public transportation option available countywide 7 days/week.  Check site for rates and schedule.