Lake County Chamber of Commerce logo


Lake County Chamber of Commerce is a volunteer-led membership organization. that is made up of businesses of all sizes, non-profit organizations, governmental agencies, and individuals that want to be more involved in ensuring Lake County is a great place to live, work, and play for all. People just like you!

Not yet a member? Join the chamber to ‘be in the know’ and grow! Chamber membership connects you to the community and raises your visibility to current and potential customers and supporters.

Apply by Mail or Online Below

Already a member? What are you looking for from your Chamber membership?

  • More networking opportunities?
  • Access to community leaders and events?
  • Marketing and event support?
  • Business education opportunities?

Reach out to a board member or attend the monthly meeting to share your needs and ideas!

Apply through mail

Download the application, pay with check or card, and mail to the Chamber.

Apply Online

Use the online application and submit payment.

Chamber Member Benefits

Boardroom Access: The use of the Lake County Chamber of Commerce Boardroom.
Only $25 for meetings or events. Contact the office at 231.745.4331 to schedule.
Display Company & Event Information: Drop off your advertising flyers for display at the Chamber Office.
Website Exposure: Advertising on the Lake County Chamber of Commerce Website which includes:
Business name, address, phone number and description. You may also add your website/social media (Facebook/Twitter) links and a pictures of your logo, business location/storefront. Now including Event Listings.
Social Media Exposure: Facebook Page Posts including: Business Spotlight, Member Events and Member News.
Proud Member Decal
Voting privileges at meetings. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month at 6:00 PM in the Lake County Chamber of Commerce Boardroom.

Chamber member benefits

Boardroom Access: The use of the Lake County Chamber of Commerce Boardroom.
Only $25 for meetings or events. Contact the office at 231.745.4331 to schedule.
Display Company & Event Information: Drop off your advertising flyers for display at the Chamber Office.
Website Exposure: Advertising on the Lake County Chamber of Commerce Website which includes:
Business name, address, phone number and description. You may also add your website/social media (Facebook/Twitter) links and a pictures of your logo, business location/storefront. Now including Event Listings.
Social Media Exposure: Facebook Page Posts including: Business Spotlight, Member Events and Member News.
Proud Member Decal
Voting privileges at meetings. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of every month at 6:00 PM in the Lake County Chamber of Commerce Boardroom.

community event listing

We offer free event listings to any community organization. You can add listings for meetings, grand openings, fundraising events, community involvement, etc. Not intended for personal events, such as yard sales or selling of personal items.

Simply register for an account and submit your listing information for board approval. Please allow a minimum of two weeks for review.

already a member? log in here.