Lake County Chamber of Commerce logo


Lake County has a wide variety of lodging, shops, galleries, and restaurants to offer in the towns of Baldwin, Branch, Chase, Idlewild, Irons, and Luther, as well as many lodges with dining located around the lakes.

The Lake County Chamber of Commerce is an organization focused on connecting local businesses to local and regional opportunities for growth by:

  • Promoting member businesses, organizations, and events
  • Managing and marketing special events such as Blessing of the Bikes
  • Providing networking and educational opportunities

Our members consist of businesses of all sizes, non-profit organizations, governmental agencies, and individuals that want to be more involved in ensuring Lake County is a great place to live, work, and play for all.  Being a member of your local chamber connects you to the community and raises your visibility to current and potential customers and supporters.  Learn more about member benefits here or speak with a Chamber Board Member:

  • Larry Reed (APEX Insurance), President
  • OPEN (Vice President)
  • Marlene Gaitan ( Post Commander of the Duane E. Dewey Post 1988) Treasurer
  • Amanda Burton (Lake Osceola State Bank) Secretary
  • Matt Hibma (AIA – Public Works) Trustee
  • George Schrode (Whispering Oaks Campground) Trustee
  • Arie Vink, *(President, AMVETS Riders Chapter 1988) Trustee
Lake County Chamber of Commerce building

Blessing of the bikes

We are proud to bring the Blessing of the Bikes downtown Baldwin vendors and ‘Line the Fence’ opportunities to Lake County. We work hard with event host AmVets, as well as the Village of Baldwin, Lake County Sheriff’s Department, local fire departments, M-DOT, and many other groups and organizations to make this a successful annual event that benefits thousands of visitors and our local businesses, organizations, and residents. For information about being a Line the Fence Sponsor or Vendor for Blessing of the Bikes, visit here.

Blessing of the bikes

We are proud to bring the Blessing of the Bikes downtown Baldwin vendors and ‘Line the Fence’ opportunities to Lake County. We work hard with event host AmVets, as well as the Village of Baldwin, Lake County Sheriff’s Department, local fire departments, M-DOT, and many other groups and organizations to make this a successful annual event that benefits thousands of visitors and our local businesses, organizations, and residents. For information about being a Line the Fence Sponsor or Vendor for Blessing of the Bikes, visit here.